Introduction to Obsidian
If you find yourself drawn to the Obsidian crystal stone and its intense, mysterious vibes, it could be a sign that you're in need of a deep psychic cleanse. Known as the "psychic vacuum cleaner," the Obsidian crystal is your spiritual maid service, working hard to clean up the emotional wreckage and debris from the past. A bodyguard to your soul, the Obsidian crystal stone also protects you from shadow traits -- addiction, fear, anxiety, and anger-- by acting as a mirror to your inner self.
For healing journeys, Obsidian rock is especially useful as a companion due to its abilities to protect and guard the psyche. Its will help deflect the energy of needy or draining people and help protect you from any energy vampires you come across. By stimulating and activating the root chakra, the energy center that stabilizes the system, Obsidian rock helps to harness the Earth's energy and strengthen your connection to its healing vibrations. When you meditate with the Obsidian rock, it can help bring out any negative emotions that you may have buried deep within. Its action of drawing out and releasing your inner shadow world will facilitate a faster and more powerful healing process. Encouraging a personal inner power that comes from confronting your fears, use its protective energy to shield you from anything that stands in the way of your deepest wishes and dreams. Let the Obsidian crystal meaning bring out your intuition, that wise inner voice that somehow always knows the right thing to do.
Black Obsidian Mirror
The Obsidian meaning is linked with the concept of darkness, and just like our ever-spinning planet and its phases of night and day, the human soul also contains elements of light and dark. A powerful protection stone, the Obsidian crystal meaning helps identify your dark side so that its healing properties can clear it away from your psyche. The Obsidian crystal stone meaning reminds us that everyone has a good and bad side. Instead of hiding from our inner truth, Obsidian shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love.
Incorporate the Obsidian crystal stone into your daily meditation practice and use its spiritual medicine to tell that devil on your shoulder to take a seat because it's time for your angelic side to come out and play. Sit quietly with the stone for twenty minutes and notice the power of Obsidian illuminating any negativity loitering around inside your head. Like a spiritual disinfectant, it's ready to deep clean the counter tops of your inner spirit, leaving you feeling light, refreshed, and in control of your destiny.
Obsidian Healing Properties
The Obsidian crystal properties are also known for their stabilizing and grounding effects, making it an excellent crystal for reigning in scattered energies. Whenever you feel yourself spread too thin, hold a stone in each hand and feel it restoring harmony to your root chakra, the energy center that anchors you securely to the earth. When your head is lost in the clouds, it can cause unwelcome side effects, including procrastination and feelings of isolation. If you find yourself getting lost down the rabbit hole of spirituality, the Obsidian crystal makes an excellent tonic for restoring a harmonious balance between your spiritual self and the physical world of reality. Use the Obsidian properties to anchor yourself securely into the earth, keeping your eyes on the stars and your feet planted firmly on the ground.
Its deep, transformative vibes also help enhance the stones around it, making it a big-time magnifier of healing energy. The Obsidian stone also makes a trusted companion to carry with you during a healing process, especially one that unfolds over time. It gives us the strength and patience needed to overcome challenges, no matter how long the journey takes. Its protective energy can be part of an intention that involves cultivating an energetic field to shield you from any and all negativity. Create your own therapeutic session when you meditate with the stone on a daily basis. Gaze at the stone in peaceful contemplation and ask it to give you clarity and focus by bringing any negativity to the surface. It can also help you be honest with yourself about your shadow side. Ask yourself what is holding you back from being who you were meant to be? What are you afraid of? Write down the answers on a piece of paper and place it under an Obsidian rock. Its energy will help draw out these toxic emotions so you can process them and begin the healing process.
The Obsidian definition is associated with protection, security, and shielding of negative or unwanted energy. This is why we recommend placing an Obsidian rock in your home or office, allowing it to work as an energy bodyguard. Obsidian rock is especially powerful at absorbing electromagnetic radiation, which makes the placement of large pieces near electronics a quick Feng Shui fix for the modern home. If you sleep with your smartphone on your nightstand, it would also be a good idea to place an Obsidian rock in between you and your device, which will absorb and transmute any harmful EMFs. You can also ace Obsidian rock on a shelf in an entrance way, which will protect your home from any unwanted energy coming in through the front door. In healing layouts, Obsidian rock should be placed below your feet to help ground your energy. You can also hold an Obsidian rock in each hand, meditating with its healing properties and allowing it to ground you before any therapeutic session.